A Few Thoughts During These Crazy Times

Dear Friends and Family (and massively obsessed fans),
I’m not sure if any of you have been reading the news or looking out your windows, but the world is experiencing a massive shift that is impacting us all in ways we never imagined. Businesses are closing, hospitals are overcrowding, and we’re forced to isolate in our huge 500 square foot studio apartments in NYC (HELP ME!!!). I’m not writing you to pretend like I have any answers because we’re all coping with the pain, loneliness and stress in our own unique ways. But I am writing you to let you know that I truly and deeply love you all and to remind you that we’re not alone during this extremely chaotic time. Yes, it’s scary. Yes, it’s confusing. And yes, it’ll be a long time before Dave and Busters re-opens, but we will find our way out on the other side of this mess as better and stronger people. So in the midst of all this madness, I wanted to remind you all of a few silver linings…

  1. We have a lot more time on our hands. Use this time to be introspective, focus on self-betterment, and re-watch "Breaking Bad" for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th times.

  2. Thanks to the decreased emissions from sheltering in place, we are not R Kellying Mother Nature on a daily basis. For God’s sake, the woman needs a break.

  3. Look at how many people you completely lost touch with that you are now reaching out to. Isn’t properly managing your relationships fun!? Zoom might be giving away your personal information without your knowledge, but it's so totally worth it. 

  4. When this is over, we will all have a much greater appreciation for the freedoms we so often take for granted. Even going to the DMV sounds like a trip to Six Flags right now.

  5. We will better prepared for something like this in the future. Every time I’ve bombed on stage doing comedy (more than you will ever know), I learned something that made it easier the next time. One time I did 6 minutes on Taco Bell and it did not go well. No Mas.

  6. You now have plenty of time to go back and re-listen to my Podcast “The Young & The Weary.” For those of you who are concerned, Dev is hanging in there like a champ. Thank God for Instacart.  https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-young-and-the-weary/id1448418528

  7. Let your hair grow out. We could all look like Wayne and Garth by the end of this. Sha-wing!

  8. This is a time for us all to learn to be more creative. Start a journal, learn an instrument, dress up in women's clothing and re-produce “The Phantom of the Opera” using household items like your toothbrush and a can of beans even thought the can of beans can't hit a high C to save its life (I promise, I’m doing OK).

  9. At least you're not a character from "The Tiger King" 

  10. And lastly, and most importantly, maybe we'll all be a little less stuck up our own asses after this (but probably not).

The moral of the story is, this is a challenging time, but we will get through this because we always have each other (and Netflix). I love you, I miss you, and I can’t wait to give you all a hug once this is all over. Stay safe, ya animals!!!
P.S. I'm casting for my production of "Romeo and Juliet" if anyone has a Barbie or Ken doll they can send my way. Must have past experience. 

P.P.S. Freedom isn't Free https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzW2ybYFboQ

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Jeremy Pinsly